Why it is more important for Children to Drink Clean Water?
Water Purifier
  • by Havells India
  • May 2, 2018
  • Water Purifier

Why it is more important for Children to Drink Clean Water?

Water is absolutely essential for our survival on this planet. We all know that water helps in many functions of our body from digestion to excretion. If we talk about importance of drinking water for children, it is worth knowing that infants, toddlers and young children carry more body water than adults. Seeing that kids are engaged in some or the other activity throughout the day, dehydration is quite a common problem among children. Kids, being less tolerant to heat, require much water to stay healthy and hydrated. Thus, it is necessary for children to drink water frequently, especially in hot weather.

Taking into account that whatever we are getting is contaminated, let alone water. The tap water, even in posh areas, is not safe for consumption for both kids and adults. However, in the growing age, the tender body of children is more susceptible to the dangerous effects of drinking impure water. If we mull over the statistics, a child dies from a water-borne disease in every 90 seconds. Thus, it is necessary to drink fresh and filtered water.

Importance of Drinking Clean Water for Children

Considering the influx of pollutants in the tap water, it is important to invest in a high-quality water purifier to have access to pure and clean water. Though pure water is crucial for everyone, it is more important for children as their immune system is vulnerable as compared to grown-ups. Some of the key benefits of drinking pure and filtered water are mentioned here.

  • Water helps in maintaining the balance of fluids in our body. Growing children should drink adequate amount of water so that their basic body functions, like creation of saliva, blood circulation, proper digestion, maintaining the body temperature and more, perform well.
  • Water also aids in energizing the muscles. Besides maintaining the balance of body fluids, it helps to strengthen the muscles and overcome muscle exhaustion. Children are often into many physical activities which make them exhausted. So, it’s vital for them to drink water.
  • Water assists kidneys to function properly. Drinking adequate amount of water helps the kidneys to work towards cleaning and flushing out toxins from our body. Children often complain about constipation; drinking enough water can help them in maintaining normal bowel function.

Though the water consumption for children depends on different factors like weight, age, weather and engagement in physical activities, it is important that they drink at least 7-8 glasses of water every day. If it’s not possible to drink this much water, try to replenish with fruits and vegetables that have higher water content.

Inculcate the Habit of Drinking Water

In fact, parents must inculcate the habit of drinking water in their children rather than opting for flavored drinks or juices. Don’t succumb to the children’s demand for soft drinks, packed fruit juices and other flavored drinks. Such flavored drinks are not only harmful, but can also lead to serious problems like obesity, blood pressure, heart problems and much more. On the contrary, water not only reduces the calorie intake, but also flushes out the toxins from our body.

Give Your Kids Pure and Healthy Water

Water is the only real thirst-quencher; let them understand this fact. However, being a responsible parent, it is your call to give them access to pure and healthy water, which you can do by installing a high-quality water purifier. Havells has a range of RO & UV water purifiers which ensure that every drop of water you get is clean, pure and healthy. So, with Havells water purifiers, you can give your children the nature’s gift in its purest form!

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