“The MCB has tripped.” We all have heard this statement many a times or at least once in our lives. Probably many of us know that MCB is something found in the distribution boards, but don’t know exactly what it is used for. Before answering yo... Read more
Any mishap due to over current, overload or short circuit can be really dangerous. Instead of waiting for an accident to happen, it is always better to prevent such mishaps by safeguarding your circuitry, appliances and loved ones through adequate sw... Read more
Can you think of coming home where not a single electrical device is working to your respite? Possibly not. We all are addicted to them and why not, these equipments have made our lives easier and better for many good reasons. But what if you won’t... Read more
Everybody has heard about MCB or Miniature Circuit Board and are quite satisfied with it protecting their electrical appliances. But, what about the people who operate the electrical equipment? MCBs offer the very basic function of disconnecting the ... Read more
Preparation for Diwali must be in full swing at home and office spaces. Decoration and renovation would also be at peak during this festive season. Why not put the safety and security of yourself, your home, and the electric products along with the f... Read more
Distribution board (DB) is one of the less-talked-about heroes protecting many homes, electrical appliances, and more importantly us. Yet, nobody consciously realizes its role and appreciates it. Many people do not even notice its presence at home. N... Read more
We are a surviving species as survival is at the core of our existence today. As Darwin correctly pointed to the fact of ‘survival of the fittest’, we are alive today because our ancestors were fit enough to survive the onslaught of wars, climate... Read more
Most of us have heard the terms “MCB” and “MCCB” at some point of time. But as a layman, we could hardly differentiate between them. Even though both MCB and MCCB are circuit breakers, there are some specific differences which make them apt f... Read more
A distribution board, also called panel board, breaker panel or electrical panel, is an important constituent of an electricity supply system. A DB enables distribution of electrical power supply into different circuits, while providing a circuit bre... Read more
As market leaders, we at Havells understand that safety is of paramount importance when it comes to control devices for residential application. We are committed towards making a long-lasting impact through our focus on energy-saving, high quality pr... Read more
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